Haven't bothered to update this thing, been engrossed in exam preperation and minor things such as eating and taking care of this apartment I'm "-sitting".
Now the hour of the exam waxes nigh and do I feel prepared? Hmm...
No...not really. I feel I've been all over the place in preperation but I haven't really gotten enough preperation done for all the subjects. I'm still a complete dumbkopf in math and physics. When we only have theory and such I'm fine it's just the equation-heavy portions that are messing with me.
I'm going to cram today and then tomorrow, at 08:00 AM (GMT) then I'll see if I can do a little damage.
Anyways...been a messed up week. Have hardly left the apartment save for playing D&D near the beginning and then a bachelor party...the cats are starting to call me names and hit me, not unlike large men named Bruno do in prisons.
But I promised I'd give some results of that mess I got into. Here's a summary:
a.) Didn't manage
b.) Nope
c.)Hah...not really
d.) Went, then saw X-Men III: The Last Stand
e.) Its moderately clean.
Due to the huge amount of responses to my last post concerning the amount of money I plan on spending at Wacken, then I suppose I should get into some of that here.
Alright...Iceland is expensive.
No really...It's expensive. Now, while I'm not "down" in those matters, I've hung out at cafés enough to know that beer, in a glass, 0.5 l is around 550 kr. With my examples from before you might understand why when working in fish you might be able to earn around 200.000 kr in a month and then spend it quickly (imagine a scenario:Monthly rent 70.000 + loans, bills, gasoline, food can easily reach 80.000 - 100.000. Leaving you 30.000, if it hasn't been taken by tax.
Oh and we have 25% income tax btw.
So...yeah...I heard some "damn you rich nordics" comment before...well...I might be rich outside of the context of my own country. But here I'm dirt-poor.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Going through my bookmarks I came across Bunny's blog, which in turn led me here.
Heh...I just don't have the state of mind to constantly update this so I suppose I'll stick with the sporadic updating schedule.
What's happened?
Hmm...I moved to Reykjavík (a.k.a City of Fear) and started working, quit my job, and am now living on the money I made in those first 5 weeks. Hehe...It's been an adventure, met loads of people and then funny enough mostly hang out with my only old friends from back home.
Pretty funny how that works. I sat with one of my best friends for about 6 hours yesterday (00:00 - 06:00) just talking...about politics, life, philosophy, emotions etc. etc. It felt nice, we haven't done that in so long.
We use to stand or sit outside his house like that after RPG sessions and just chat away for hours, the cops thought we were selling drugs or planning a break in (atleast they drove by like 18 times in 2 hours).
The good old days.
At the moment I'm sitting at an impromptu LAN, playing Warcraft III with two of my ancient buddys (who happen to be together). We ate thai food, spicy as hell and lovely.
I DM'ed yesterday. The start of something epic I think. I might DM again tomorrow. Bunny is already making her character to join in August. Shit...August.
14th of June I start my entrance exams, 15th they're over...I want to start working on the 16th and then work out until around 29-30th of July. I need the cash desperately since I'm going to Wacken (or just not eat or buy anything...which would suck) I plan on spending to an upwards of 90.000 ISK at Wacken...or atleast keeping that possibility open. processing it is. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. But hey...cirka 200.000 ISK a month, maybe more depending on what shifts I get.
A friend of mine will be working there as well (along with the girl I'm hanging out with atm). He's moving here from "Ísafjörður". Imagine a place far away and not really special. Imagine moving he's moving away and coming to the big city. Good idea methinks.
He's responsible for this master piece.
Damn this thing is disjointed...but give me a break it's like 4 AM.
I'm thinking of hitting the sack, get some rest and then mix the blix tomorrow. I need to:
a.) Take a shower (easier said than done, need to go to my local swimming pool for that seeing as I don't have a shower)
b.) Find out if there's D&D tomorrow night (technically tonight).
c.) Study, study, study, STUDY as hell...I want to finish 30 pages of bio-chem tomorrow as well as do some math in relation to that.
d.) ASS! I just remembered I'm invited to dinner tomorrow. Shit...
I need to find out when the hell that is, delay all plans for D&D and such until that's sorted...ah crud (decided to tone down the swearing).
e.) Tidy my room...I don't want it turning into a pig sty. a nice list up which I can refer to tomorrow (technically today)
Hmm...I'll post the results of how this thing goes. (like anyone cares).
Ok...sleep now.